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AIPD - Artificial Intelligence Police Department PS4

AIPD - Artificial Intelligence Police Department

In the twin-stick arcade shooter AIPD, players armed with a range of highly specialized weapons and equipment are on the virtual trail of criminal AIs, all in the visual style of TRON. Whether it's mighty howitzers or precise phasers, boost-modifications or reactive armor – the right equipment makes all the difference in the battle against enemies that acquire increasingly dangerous skills with each round. With a whole spectrum of options on offer when it comes to weapons and equipment selection, as well as the opportunity to influence the opponent's evolution, AIPD provides an individually customizable gaming experience.
  • US January 29, 2016
  • EU January 29, 2016
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 4 icon

Developer: Blazing Badger
Publisher: Mamor games
6 players