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Act It Out XL! PS4

Act It Out XL!

ACT IT OUT XL is an interactive streaming game designed for Twitch, YouTube, and Mixer, and this special XL version comes with almost double the content as the original console game. Choose from almost 3,000 secret phrases to act out from categories including film, music and video games.
  • US N/A
  • EU N/A
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 4 icon

Developer: Snap Finger Click
Publisher: Snap Finger Click
  • 18 Trophy bronze icon
  • 14 Trophy silver icon
  • 4 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Sign up or sign in to track these trophies and more.
Party Hard
Adjustment pixel Party Hard: Unlocked every trophy in ACT IT OUT XL!
It's a classic
Adjustment pixel It's a classic: Completed a classic game
Spice of life
Adjustment pixel Spice of life: Completed a variety game
Quick off the mark
Adjustment pixel Quick off the mark: Found the correct answer within 15 seconds of a turn
Forever friends
Adjustment pixel Forever friends: Played a cooperative game
Raucous rivals
Adjustment pixel Raucous rivals: Played an all-vs-all game
There's no I in TEAM
Adjustment pixel There's no I in TEAM: Played a teamplay game
Short and sweet
Adjustment pixel Short and sweet: Played a short game
Stuck in the middle
Adjustment pixel Stuck in the middle: Played a medium game
The long game
Adjustment pixel The long game: Played a long game
Making a name for yourselves
Adjustment pixel Making a name for yourselves: Played a game where everyone entered their name
Great minds
Adjustment pixel Great minds: Answered 25 turns correctly
Greater minds
Adjustment pixel Greater minds: Answered 150 turns correctly
Greatest minds
Adjustment pixel Greatest minds: Answered 500 turns correctly
Adjustment pixel Audiophile: Completed 25 music type turns
Culture vulture
Adjustment pixel Culture vulture: Completed 25 stageshow type turns
Adjustment pixel Gamer: Completed 25 video game type turns
Movie buff
Adjustment pixel Movie buff: Completed 25 movie type turns
Adjustment pixel Bookworm: Completed 25 book type turns
Adjustment pixel Linguist: Completed 25 proverb type turns
Telly addict
Adjustment pixel Telly addict: Completed 25 TV type turns
Sports fan
Adjustment pixel Sports fan: Completed 25 sport type turns
Truffle Shuffle
Adjustment pixel Truffle Shuffle: Used the 'shuffle' option more than 50 times during a single game
By the skin of your teeth
Adjustment pixel By the skin of your teeth: Found the correct answer with fewer than 5 seconds left on the clock
Adjustment pixel Snatched: Opposing team stole a correct answer during teamplay
Mad skillz
Adjustment pixel Mad skillz: Finished a game where every secret phrase was correctly guessed
Hard mode
Adjustment pixel Hard mode: Played a Variety game with the 'shuffle' option disabled
Adjustment pixel Speedrun: Played a game where every phrase is correctly guessed within 30 seconds
Spoil sport
Adjustment pixel Spoil sport: Played a game with a turn type disabled
Adjustment pixel Trashed: Played a team game where one team guesses every secret phrase correctly (including the opposing team's)
Adjustment pixel Dominator: Played an all-vs-all game where the same person scores points on every turn
Communication breakdown
Adjustment pixel Communication breakdown: Played a co-operative game where no secret phrase is correctly guessed
Adjustment pixel Payroll: Viewed the credits after completing a game
Adjustment pixel Charade-a-thon: Completed 10 games
A thousand charades
Adjustment pixel A thousand charades: Completed 1000 turns
Happy New Year
Adjustment pixel Happy New Year: Played on New Year's Eve
Adjustment pixel Flunked: Failed to find the correct answer during a turn
2 players