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The Unfinished Swan PS3

The Unfinished Swan

Enter the surreal world of The Unfinished Swan and explore a mysterious, hidden kingdom. Your journey will be led by a runaway swan who guides you through strange levels filled with bizarre creatures. Discover the land through innovative new game mechanics such as splatting paint on a white surface to uncover your surroundings. Each level will bring new twists, challenges, and puzzles until you eventually come face-to-more
  • US October 23, 2012
  • EU October 24, 2012
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 3 icon
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Developer: Giant Sparrow
Publisher: Sony Interactive Entertainment


The visual style starts out a bit confusing but ends up being a beautiful discovery. Splatter patterns of paint are varied and random giving a true feeling of life to the world being painted. Each chapter introduces vibrant and unique environments and challenges. Mirrors in the game offers you that extra special reflection.


Story narration is perfectly delivered in a natural voice that you can honestly believe is someone's mother reading a storybook. The soundtrack fits each landscape and situation beautifully.


Controls are fluid and smooth just like a top tier first person game. Jumping is also fine tuned for those precision jumps needed during the adventure.


Balloons serve as both collectibles and currency in the game. The movie The Red Balloon, by Albert Lamorisse, resonated several times in my mind while finding balloons. Collecting them will allow you to purchase unlocks and toys. The toy collection adds replay value to the otherwise short adventure.


The game delivers a complete experience, but the time it takes to finish it is very short. There is a desire to see more of the King's world, especially the huge labyrinth that you only visit a very small portion of in the game.

The Unfinished Swan isn't just paint by the numbers, it's painting for closure.
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