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Skylanders Giants PS3

Skylanders Giants

The follow-up to the blockbuster Skylanders Spyro's Adventure, Skylanders Giants builds upon the breakthrough fundamentals of the first game, once again merging the physical and virtual realms with an innovative line of cross-platform toy figures that have "brains," which players everywhere can magically bring to life in the world of Skylands. This second installment of the franchise features a variety of new characters, new challenges and a thrilling new story-driven adventure.

Skylanders Giants introduces sixteen new collectible figures, including the massive Giants which tower more than twice the size of the main Skylanders cast! The Skylanders series uniquely combines collectible real-world toys with an epic virtual game world, and this second game is fully backwards-compatible with previous Skylanders toy sets while introducing a whole new world of collectible fun for fans of the franchise.
  • US October 21, 2012
  • EU October 19, 2012
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 3 icon

Developer: Toys for Bob
Publisher: Activision

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