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Ryu ga Gotoku 5: Yume, Kanaeshi Mono Remaster PS4

Ryu ga Gotoku 5: Yume, Kanaeshi Mono Remaster

The legendary dragon returns to the criminal underworld of Ryu ga Gotoku. Kazuma Kiryuu, once known as the Dragon of Dojima, was living a quiet life as a taxi driver in Fukuoka after severing all his ties with the underworld. However, at the dawn of the bloody turf war between the Tojo Clan and the Omi Alliance, Kazuma is forced to accept his inescapable fate and returns to a life filled with crime and violence to protect his loved ones.
  • US N/A
  • EU N/A
  • JP June 20, 2019
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Platform: PlayStation 4 icon

Developer: Sega
Publisher: Sega

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