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Rainbow Moon PS3

Rainbow Moon

Cursed by his long-time enemy, Baldren founds himself warped to Rainbow Moon. And to make things worse, Baldren isn't only stranded in an unknown place – he has also opened a dimensional gate, out of which troops of monsters are crawling, turning this once peaceful planet into a real hell.
The residents of Rainbow Moon who have found themselves in this sudden and unpleasant situation react suspiciously and even nastily,
  • US July 10, 2012
  • EU July 3, 2012
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 3 icon
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Developer: SideQuest Studios
Publisher: EastAsiaSoft


The game is really easy to get into, with a tutorial you can revisit at any time if you didn't catch all of it or just skimmed through when it first popped up. Whenever something new is encountered, the tutorial pops up with a thorough explanation of what exactly happened.


Death isn't punished too roughly, when I was randomly killed by a "tiny bee" (it wasn't very tiny.) the only thing that hurt was my pride. Baldren was just fine, he just had to shell out some rainbow coins to a healer. After getting defeated in battle, you simply resurrect where you were before the encounter, with 1 HP. To avoid hurting your pride too badly, you can simply escape from battle - it's okay, we won't judge. For the most part you can avoid encounters altogether, but XP-wise It doesn't seem like a very good idea. Plus, you need to use skills to level them up and make them stronger.


For a PSN game, it is very long and extensive. I must admit I didn't finish the story, but I am excited about finding out what's gonna happen to Baldren! With trophies for 100 hours played and lvl 500 on all characters, rest assured there's enough content to keep you occupied for a long time!


The game is both cute and funny, dialogue-wise ("Damn skeletons! They have no nose and they refuse to give me back my helmet!") as well as graphically. It's very retro and cute, and there are some neat spell effects.


The ability to use all characters in battle is fun and makes for strategic gameplay.


As a hoarder, the inventory is kind of clumsy. I can understand the reason behind having to spend rainbow coins on recovery expanders, and I like the option to further expand inventory, but it feels silly to not have similar items stack.


The music gets repetitive, especially during encounters, and I ended up turning off the music after awhile. It's a shame, because I quite enjoy the music out in the world. In addition, some of the sound effects feel out of sync, like when Baldren walks around.


The game is a little grind-y, even on normal difficulty, I found myself having to go back and fight monsters until I gained a level or two before facing a couple of bosses I met while naturally progressing through the game.

The grind doesn't get in the way of an extensive and fun gaming experience
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