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Puzzle Quest: Galactrix PS3

Puzzle Quest: Galactrix

In Puzzle Quest: Galactrix a horrifying scientific accident has provoked another race to attempt extermination of humankind; players will create a persistent pilot who gains skills, crafts items, maneuvers among the universe's political factions, and upgrades the ultimate space fleet as they attempt to end the genocide. An innovative hexagonal puzzle board allows for a wide range of strategic depth as it heeds to gravity according to a player's location in the game universe. A rich and detailed storyline and fresh gameplay elements make the world of Puzzle Quest: Galactrix a captivating new adventure to explore and conquer.
  • US May 7, 2009
  • EU June 11, 2009
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 3 icon

Developer: Infinite Interactive
Publisher: D3 Publisher

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