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Pure Football PS3

Pure Football

Pure Futbol is a unique vision of soccer video games, emphasizing the intense, physical and spectacular aspects of the sport. The over-the-shoulder camera and visceral audio dynamically react to the context of the match, placing the gamer in the heart of the five-a-side soccer action, as opposed to the feeling of watching a TV broadcast.

Pure Futbol will include 230 elite soccer players, 17 international teams, and 17 legendary players. Gamers will have the opportunity to create their own customized athlete who can progress through the campaign mode to ultimately test themselves against the world’s best players in the final tournament. Up to four people can play multiplayer locally and 1vs1 matches are supported online, along with the inclusion of leaderboards that allow players to match up to one another and celebrate the pure competitive nature of soccer.
  • US June 1, 2010
  • EU May 28, 2010
  • JP May 27, 2010
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Platform: PlayStation 3 icon
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Developer: Ubisoft Vancouver
Publisher: Ubisoft

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