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Page Chronica PS3

Page Chronica

Page Chronica is a game about the adventure of a female heroine named Topez. As a librarian in the Library of Dreams, she accidentally released the Lord of Nightmares from his prison. The Lord of Nightmare then went on to corrupt the dreams turning them foul. Players will play as Topez as she uses her power of words to cleanse the dreams of this corruption.

Page Chronica is not your average side-scrolling action platformer. You will need to slow time to capture letters and form meaningful words in order to give Topez power to cast spells. The stronger the words formed, the more powerful the spells that Topez cast will be. In addition, she will be able to gain useful passive abilities such as regeneration and increased movement speed based upon the length of the words formed.
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Platform: PlayStation 3 icon

Developer: Red Hare Studios
Publisher: Sony Interactive Entertainment

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