If there ever was a drug in game form, I'm pretty sure OlliOlli would be it. There is no shortage of games which core revolve around high-scores, but OlliOlli is packaged in such a neat, addictive and fun experience that makes it near impossible to put it down. Its gravitational pull is such that when you firmly put your Vita down in a fit of frustration, you might find yourself playing it again a few minutes later.
OlliOlli looks smart, sounds cool and plays well. The retro look is snappy, fun and suits this type of game play. After learning the basics of pushing x at the right moment before you land, and how to launch your jump, you are in for a world of tricks and combos. It's not a case of easy to learn, hard to use; OlliOlli is hard all around but ultimately carries a huge reward not only in points, but also giving you a well deserved sense of accomplishment.
As you perfect each stage you will unlock tougher versions of these. You will need the practice for your attempt at the daily challenges. This gives you an opportunity to practice a stage until you fingers bleed before you go for the real run. Prepare to mess that up within seconds, curse a bit and then start mentally preparing for tomorrow.
If you are not willing to invest the time it takes to learn and master the stages and at least learn the most basic tricks, you won't be getting anywhere at all. OlliOlli requires practice and heaps of patience, so be vary that this game might simply not be for you.