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Ninja Pizza Girl PS4

Ninja Pizza Girl

Ninja Pizza Girl is a serious game about self-esteem, bullying and resilience -- and pizza delivering ninjas! The story follows Gemma, a sixteen-year-old girl working as a pizza delivery girl in a cyberpunk dystopia. She lives in a world where slums teeter on top of skyscrapers, where powerful mega-corporations exploit the poor and where quality pizza is hard to come by. Gemma must fight to keep her ideals, her family and their business intact in face of the most merciless enemies known to any teenage girl -- other teenagers.

Drawing its inspiration from both classic and current platforming mechanisms, Ninja Pizza Girl is a level-based run-and-jump game with a deeply-woven story that explores bullying, emotional resilience and the importance of boundaries. Its gameplay has been designed for a rich gameplay experience filled with joy and exhilaration, with structure that invites in newcomers but also rewards the masters. New players will find each level offers a forgiving experience of thrilling jumps and exhilarating falls while skilled players can optimize the selection of routes on offer to chase that perfect run.
  • US July 20, 2016
  • EU July 20, 2016
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 4 icon

Developer: Disparity Games
Publisher: Disparity Games

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