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Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor\'s Edge PS3

Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge

Ninja Gaiden 3 offers for the first time a look at the world through Hayabusa's eyes, showing what drives him to fight, and kill. At the center of the conflict this time around is a masked man whose motivations and goals are unclear. Through mysterious powers, he changes Hayabusa -- and the lines between hero and villain, good and evil, are blurred forever. Featuring a new story, new gameplay and new modes, Ninja Gaiden 3 marks a new direction in this fan-favorite franchise. Team Ninja aims to change the way fans think about ninja and Hayabusa in this game, and promise that they’ll know what it feels like to "cut someone down" through their experiences in the game.

And in this "Razor's Edge" recut of the game, the female ninja Ayane joins the battle as a new playable character in her own exclusive chapters within story mode. With more weapons and Ninpo types, a new character progression system, a redesigned battle system, a new character, two-player online co-op game play using Ryu and Ayane, and the return of dismemberment, Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge improves upon the original Ninja Gaiden 3 in every way.
  • US April 2, 2013
  • EU April 5, 2013
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 3 icon
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Developer: Team Ninja
Publisher: Tecmo

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