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MLB 08: The Show PS3

MLB 08: The Show

To deliver the closest experience possible, next to actually trying to make it in the Majors, MLB 08: The Show introduces a more immersive gameplay experience. In Road to The Show mode, as gamers attempt to make a starting line-up in the Big Leagues, playing on both offense and defense from a custom-created player's perspective, a more robust dynamic goal system and a new career advancement system determines when a player is eligible for a promotion. Additionally, custom-created players are more interactive. As a position player, gamers are able to further adjust that players positioning, catchers endure more defense situations, and pitchers now experience mound visits with user interaction -- all making Road to The Show mode even more realistic.
  • US March 4, 2008
  • EU March 4, 2008
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 3 icon

Developer: SCE San Diego Studio
Publisher: Sony Interactive Entertainment

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