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Malicious Rebirth Vita

Malicious Rebirth

The main character of the game is a vessel of spirits who, in order to save the world, was sent by the elders to subdue the Malicious. The gender of the vessel is decided by the player. If the player choses to play a male a character it will assume the name Valeria - and Elica if female.

The main goal of the game is to defeat a dangerous group of creatures know as the Malicious. There is no actual stage progression, instead all stages start the player off directly in big fights against a boss and his subordinates.
For a weapon, the player makes use of a special black cloak – the Cloak of Ash – that hangs from the main character's neck. The cloak changes depending on the situation; it becomes a fist for close range melee attacks, and a projectile weapon for ranged combat - making use of "demon bullets" to target multiple enemies. The cloak can also be used for defense.
  • US February 28, 2013
  • EU October 9, 2013
  • JP November 22, 2012
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Platform: PlayStation Vita icon

Developer: Alvion
Publisher: Alvion

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