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Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon PS3

Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon

As Sergeant Rex Colt, you are part man, part machine, all American. You are a state-of-the art Mark IV cyber-commando on a mission...of vengeance. You’re out to bring down your old commanding officer and his battalion of ruthless killer cyborgs and you’ll stop at nothing to get the job done. Hollywood action icon Michael Biehn (The Terminator, Aliens, and The Abyss), returns in this explosive 1980s style sci-fimore
  • US April 30, 2013
  • EU May 1, 2013
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 3 icon

Developer: Ubisoft
Publisher: Ubisoft


This is more or less how you should do DLC. Blood Dragon is a total conversion mod that takes you back to the eighties with all that's good and bad about it. Lasers, neon lights, the music and an unhealthy amount of references make up the bulk of a game with a story that intentionally goes full circle on the it's-so-bad-it's-good scale.


You will get to do nearly all the things that made FC3 such a great game. Taking over outposts, driving, hunting animals, knifing unsuspecting people and inserting arrows where you see fit is all part of the fun, except now overlaid with music that will have you unstoppably grinning if you're as old as I am. The skill tree is intact, but redone to accommodate the much shorter adventure that Blood Dragon is, and it works great.


While it is a much shorter game, there are still things to do. Taking over outposts unlocks side missions, and as usual there are collectibles to be found and weapons to be upgraded. Most of the weapons may seem ordinary in the beginning, but as you start hunting bad guys with 4 barreled shotguns and laser emitting machine guns you know you're in for a different kind of ride.


Blood Dragons and the tutorial. That is all.


There are only 2 types of side missions to unlock, and next to collectibles and the short main story there isn't a lot to do. If these things don't really click for you it can quickly become boring, and even with these things it still feels like something is missing. I did spend 10-12 hours in it, but that's not due to content, but me running around instead of driving like a normal person.


Blood Dragon is built on a great idea, and I think the creators might have fallen a bit too much in love with their own product. The references, while fun, are thrown at you in such a rate that it becomes tiresome. It simply tries to be too funny at points.

A trip down memory lane - now with lasers
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