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Deadlight: Directors Cut PS4

Deadlight: Directors Cut

Set in an apocalyptic 1986, Deadlight tells the tale of Randall Wayne, an introverted and slightly paranoid survivor trying to rejoin his family in a world torn apart by zombies. From the destroyed streets of Seattle, through the crumbled underbelly of the city’s sewers, and the remnants of a forgotten stadium, players search for the haven known as the ‘safe point.’ Through tense platforming and life-threatening zombie encounters, gamers must choose to use limited ammunition to decimate the undead or utilize the surroundings to sneak past them and hide. Combat isn’t always the answer, especially against those known as ‘shadows,’ the walking, undead remains of the human race.
  • US June 21, 2016
  • EU June 21, 2016
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 4 icon

Developer: Tequila Works
Publisher: Deep Silver

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