In 2916 year of the Interstellar calendar, a planet which is 4282 light-year away from the earth called "ACHTUNG!". On"ACHTUNG!", there is a mysterious place called “Cube Garden” that has many cubic creatures which love to watch TV. One day, after they watched a kitten grooming show from the earth, they suddenly captivated about imitating cats, so now they have been named “Catsblock”. At the same time, human, the most… more curious race, formed an alliance with Achtung.
By interflowing, human beings can travel to Achtung by the hyperspace. Now, we received an invitation that wishes all the greatest investigators from the earth can involve this exploration to the Cube Garden.
Those cubic creatures were originally fond of imitating other object’s outlook, but this is the first time they all change to the same look. This is a very rare and interesting event that worth an in-depth study.close
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