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Cabela\'s Dangerous Hunts 2009 PS3

Cabela's Dangerous Hunts 2009

Tromping out into the woods with a high-powered rifle or two, an equally high-powered hand-cannon, some bait, bear collars, tranquilizer darts and scent cover, and then waiting for a majestic deer to trot out into a beautiful green meadow so you can shoot it in the head isn't much of a sport – it's more like a massacre. However, introduce a glut of blood-thirsty predators to the mix, each hunting the hunter single-mindedly as he scrambles to bag his trophy kill and escape in one piece, and you're getting a lot closer to a level playing field.
  • US September 23, 2008
  • EU March 12, 2008
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 3 icon

Developer: Sand Grain Studios
Publisher: Activision

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