Boku no Natsuyasumi 3: Hokkoku Hen: Chiisana Boku no Dai Sougen (lit. "My Summer Vacation 3: The Northern Chapter: Little Boku's Big Prairie", Boku no Natsuyasumi 3: Hokkoku Hen: Chiisana Boku no Dai Sougen?) is a video game developed by Millennium Kitchen and published by Sony Computer Entertainment for the PlayStation 3. It is part of the popular Boku no Natsuyasumi series and was released in Japan on July 5, 2007. … more
The game involves a boy's summer vacation on his aunt and uncle's farm in the wide-open countryside of Hokkaidō. His activities include catching a large variety of insects, a popular pastime in Japan. Various side games are shown in the game's trailers and commercials, including sliding down a hill on a piece of a cardboard.close
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