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Ben 10 Omniverse PS3

Ben 10 Omniverse

In Ben: 10 Omniverse, players will be immersed in exciting action-brawler gameplay featuring the new art style inspired from the show. Gamers will have the power to switch forms and battle as one of 13 playable alien heroes, including never-before-seen aliens like Bloxx and Gravattack, as they work with either Ben or Rook to defeat the evil plans of a fierce villain, intent on destroying the world. Ben 10: Omniverse gives fans the option to play single-player or two-player co-op mode, where one player controls Ben and his alien forms and the other can play as Rook with his Proto-Tool, a high-tech multifunction weapon designed to battle evil.
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Platform: PlayStation 3 icon

Developer: Monkey Bar Games
Publisher: Bandai-Namco

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