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Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus Vita

Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus

Arc System Works' high-resolution fighter now comes to the Playstation Network. In Guilty Gear XX Accent Core, all of your favorite characters have returned with more moves and an alternate EX version of each. With the extended "Plus" version, you can dish out even more mind-numbing, insane combos with 25 crazy combatants.

In Accent Core Plus, discover the back story to all the fighters in the Guilty Gear mythos, including fan favorites Kliff Undersn and Justice. The Force Break, Throw Escape and Slash Back systems added in Accent Core give all the fighters a wide variety of defensive and offensive capabilities. This is the Vita version of the game.
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Platform: PlayStation Vita icon

Developer: Arc System Works
Publisher: Arc System Works
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