In Doki-Doki Universe, you're a robot named Model QT377665, or QT3 for short. Your human family said to wait here on this asteroid, and they would be right back to get you ... That was 11,432 days ago. To make matters worse, an alien that looks like a green hot-dog, named Alien Jeff, finds you and gives you some bad news: It turns out your model is getting recalled and scrapped, because you apparently don't have enough "… morehumanity", whatever that is. Alien Jeff has been assigned the task of discovering just how much "humanity" you are capable of, and reporting back to the company.
So together, you travel around the Universe on a giant flying thingy and visit themed planets, interacting with its bizarre inhabitants, and Alien Jeff will be watching you the whole time. While you’re traveling the Universe, you’ll also stop at many tiny asteroids where you can take fun, visual personality tests. You can get a full personality report from the Therapist who lives on your home planet, which by the way, you get to decorate. You even get to visit your friend's home planets and check out their personality reports. Doki-Doki Universe is more than just a game, and only by exploring this vast and bizarre cosmos while interacting with real friends here on planet Earth might you understand what this thing called "humanity" really is.close