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Wrecked: Revenge Revisited PS3

Wrecked: Revenge Revisited

Wrecked: Revenge Revisited is an explosive battle racer from the team behind seminal multiplayer title, Mashed. The game offers a modern, action packed, full on mayhem, online driving experience. Wrecked is not about fast lap times, gaining pole position, perfect cornering or aerodynamics; it’s about winning by any means necessary. Aggressive driving is not so much encouraged, but a given prerequisite as players will come across a wide variety of weapons and vehicle enhancements to help muscle rivals off the track and out of the points. Survivors are encouraged to keep their wits about them however, as vanquished foes are given the opportunity for instant revenge via five different aerial strikes to add a certain spice to proceedings.
  • US N/A
  • EU March 28, 2012
  • JP March 28, 2012
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Platform: PlayStation 3 icon

Developer: Supersonic Software
Publisher: 505 Games
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