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Mesmerize: Distort PS3

Mesmerize: Distort

A simple downloadable interactive art piece for use with the PlayStation Eye gaming camera. Savor this interactive art experience on PlayStation 3. Available in either the Trace or Distort pack, Mesmerize is a suite of absorbing visual and aural effects that respond to your body movements and sounds, such as clapping or clicking your fingers. Just insert the PLAYSTATION Eye camera and start moving or making noise to enjoy the simple, tranquil pleasure of manipulating shapes, colours and lights as they appear on-screen. Unwind and let your captivated mind follow the shifting patterns of Mesmerize. Where will the journey take you?
  • US December 20, 2007
  • EU December 21, 2007
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 3 icon
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Developer: SCE London Studio
Publisher: Sony Interactive Entertainment
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