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Little Busters! Converted Edition PS3

Little Busters! Converted Edition

Little Busters! is a Japanese visual novel, originally released in 2007, and re-released on the PS3.

The gameplay in Little Busters! follows a plot line which offers pre-determined scenarios with courses of interaction, and focuses on the appeal of the six female main characters, which increases to nine in Ecstasy. There are additional minigames added into the gameplay, such as sequences that resemble fighting games or baseball games, which serve to give the characters experience, obtain accessories to use during battle, and improve their statistics. Every so often, the player will come to a "decision point" where he or she is given the chance to choose from options that are displayed on the screen, typically two or three at a time. The time between these decision points is variable and can occur anywhere from a minute to much longer. During these times, gameplay pauses until a choice is made that furthers the plot in a specific direction, depending on which choice the player makes.

Little Busters!' story revolves around the main protagonist Riki Naoe, a young male high school student. When Riki was a child, his parents died, leaving him hopeless and depressed. A group of three young boys and one girl his age saved him who referred to themselves as the Little Busters, a group dedicated to fighting evil and preserving justice.
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Platform: PlayStation 3 icon

Developer: Key
Publisher: Prototype
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