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Let\'s Fish! Hooked On Vita

Let's Fish! Hooked On

Featuring bright anime style artwork and authentic sports action by veteran Japanese fishing game design studio SIMS, Let's Fish! Hooked On is the Playstation Vita's first full-scale fishing game, delivering an intuitive arcade gaming experience with gameplay features tailored exclusively for this handheld device. The game combines realistic fishing action with fast arcade-style gameplay and comes complete with a full story mode, which aims to make fishing fun for everyone. Choosing between four different characters, each with their own story line and unique skills, players are challenged to improve their skills and become World Champion by competing in a host of progressively more difficult tournaments on the World Tour.
  • US N/A
  • EU N/A
  • JP March 22, 2012
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Platform: PlayStation Vita icon

Developer: Kadokawa Shoten
Publisher: Wired Productions
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