Horizon Zero Dawn, also known as one of the best PlayStation 4 games of 2017, is celebrating its 1st anniversary today. I won’t eat cake today, but I might on Saturday. With a whopping 7.6 million copies sold, Horizon Zero Dawn has become the best selling new IP on PS4, which is pretty good. Not only is it an excellent game, but The Frozen Wilds DLC added more meat to a meal I had a hard time getting enough of. It has also helped that a steady stream of extra content has been released since launch, including new game+, a fantastic photo mode and all the tweaks and fixes you heart desires – and sometimes deserve.
Guerrilla knows how to throw a party, so there are new avatars and a photo mode theme for you to download starting today. Hooray and happy birthday!
Y qué guapa es mi prima Aloy. Y bien lista.
La segunda tarde pero ya. Y no tanto Killzone y mierdas de esas en primera persona.
Segunda parte he querido escribir.