If you’re into gardening or shooting goats out of cannons, you might also be aware that Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2 is out next month (February 23rd). If you’re really eager to do some of those things now there is an open multiplayer beta happening next week starting Friday, January 14th.
The beta will last for four days and contains the following stuff as mentioned in their trailer description:
· Enjoy the Backyard Battleground (we’re saving tons of great content and plenty of surprises for launch!), and play our King of the Hill-inspired mode, Flag of Power, where you can jump into the action right away and experience an immersive and escalating battle.
· You’ll also get to try out six new PvZ character classes, as well as a returning roster of your favorite characters from the original Garden Warfare.
· Jump into our 24 person multiplayer modes – the new Herbal Assault and Gardens & Graveyards
· You’ll be able to play across four distinct maps – Moon Base Z, Frosty Creek, Z-Tech Factory, and Seeds of Time.
Which means there’s a lot of stuff to get your green hands on. Are you planning on joining in?