Furi is a dual-stick/hack’n slash boss fight extravaganza

Man, is that trailer cool, huh? Furi is the brainchild of The Game Bakers and Takashi Okazaki (Afro Samurai) in which you battle bosses with your trusty sword in one second and then everything goes dual-stick-shooter-y the next. The track in the trailer is by Carpenter Brut, one of several contributors to the soundtrack. If that song is anything to go by this is gonna be stellar.

I have long dreamed of making a game of pure boss fights, with a focus on dueling and besting enemies who rival your own skill and strength. Furi is designed with Japanese action games in mind — games that reward skills and reflexes, with a character that reacts immediately, like Devil May Cry, any game from Platinum, or even the Super Punch Out series.Emeric Thoa, Creative Director of The Game Bakers

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