Bandai Namco to publish first person thriller Get Even

On paper Get Even sounds like it will revolutionize the first person genre with its mix of pew-pew action and a deeper dive into human behavior using investigative tools in a photo-realistic 3D world. But there must be faith in The Farm 51’s project now that Bandai Namco has signed on to publish the game. Hopefully they can put their game where their, well, mouth is.

What also makes Get Even different from other games of the kind is its approach to photorealistic visuals. In The Farm 51 we do not want to create flashy and shiny shooter. We try to imitate rough and run-down environment you can find in the real world and are achieving it due to usage of 3D scanning. We see people are a little disappointed with unfulfilled promises of next-gen visuals on new consoles. Games done in classic way basically look the same as previous generation, they just have higher resolution and more objects.The Farm 51

Shots fired, I guess?

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