Ultimate list of all officially announced and named PS4 titles

Ultimate list of all officially announced and named PS4 titles

Here’s the ultimate list of all officially announced and named PS4 games. Keep in mind that there are numerous development studios currently working on next-gen titles, but these have not been officially named yet.

List updated on July 21th

Total: 74 games

  1. dFUSE stoned says:

    That’s a cool list of confirmed titles.. Keep up the good work!

  2. Anddd says:

    @ Editor
    @ dFUSE

    You have forgotten PlanetSide 2.
    Because PlanetSide 2 will be released for the PS4!

  3. Anddd says:

    @ Editor
    @ dFUSE

    Also “The Elder Scrolls Online” is coming to the PS4.

  4. Anddd says:

    @ dFUSE
    @ Editor

    Hi dFUSE :)

    I’ve read on the Internet two another games coming to the PS4:


    APB Vendetta

    • dFUSE dFUSE says:

      Awesome, thanks for keeping a look out!

      Added Daylight, game looks great! APB Vendetta was unfortunately a failed Kickstarter that ran out Apr 30th.

  5. jeff says:

    no NCAA 14 football what’s going on EA Sports

    • dFUSE dFUSE says:

      Thanks a lot, added Soul Saga. The thing about H-Hour though is that they require 1 or 2 million dollar backing from another source to make the PS4 version. So I’m holding off adding this one until they get fully funded.

  6. Anddd says:

    @ dFUSE
    @ Editor

    Hi dFUSE :)
    Here is the complete full list of PS4 games:

    Can you please update the list on your site.

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