Unfinished Swan developer Giant Sparrow announces new game – Edith Finch

Really excited about this one, Unfinished Swan was great! Read about Giant Sparrow’s new project here.

When you make games about evoking a sense of discovery and wonder the publicity part of it is a little tricky. If we don’t say anything then no one knows the game exists, but if we talk about it too much then no one is going to be surprised when they actually play it.

That’s why for our next game we’re going to start talking about it early but in broad strokes. Our last game took us a little over 3 years to make so as you can imagine we’re still in a very early phase on this new one. We’re pretty excited about it though and wanted to share some of that enthusiasm along with a piece of concept art.

It’s not a sequel to The Unfinished Swan but it’s not a million miles away either. If you like surreal experiences and games that aren’t much like anything you’ve ever played before then you’ll probably like it.

Mostly, we just wanted to answer all the fans who have been asking us if we’re working on anything new. The answer is “yes,” by the way. The working title is “Edith Finch” and there’s no release date or platforms announced.

Unfinished Swan developer Giant Sparrow announces new game - Edith Finch

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