PS Vita title Open Me! will be released in North America and Europe later this year

“The goal in Open Me! is simple – open the box and collect the items inside. This may sound easy, but these boxes are full of traps; players will need to use Vita’s augmented reality features to look closely at the boxes from every direction, looking for the slightest hint on how to open them.”

Read more on the PS Blog

PS Vita title Open Me! will be released in North America and Europe later this year PS Vita title Open Me! will be released in North America and Europe later this year PS Vita title Open Me! will be released in North America and Europe later this year










PS Vita title Open Me! will be released in North America and Europe later this year PS Vita title Open Me! will be released in North America and Europe later this year PS Vita title Open Me! will be released in North America and Europe later this year

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