Labyrinth Legends US giveaway

• Updated Friday, February 1st •

And the winners are…  shaman1234FiveFourteen. We’ll send you the codes in a PSN message. Have fun with the game!

Labyrinth Legends is a charming and addictive dungeon crawler with a-maze-ing puzzles. The folks from Creat Studios were nice enough to give us 2 US (North American) codes for the PSN downloadable title.

We just loved the game and now you’re perhaps wondering how to get your grubby hands on a free copy? Just let us know in the comments why you would like to play it along with your PSN-id and we’ll draw two random lucky winners this Friday, February 1st.

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter to find out right away when we’ll do our next giveaway.

  1. Velgar says:

    Hi dFUSE, I always wanted to play a Creat Studios game, but I have never gotten the chance of getting one. Well, I’m hoping to add Labyrinth Legends to my wonderful collection of trophies for my profile and my PSN-id is shaman1234.

    dFuse do you mean February 1st or March 1st?

  2. dFUSE JimmyHACK says:

    I here nothing but good about this game. Totally a candidate for a Vita version to be made.

  3. FiveFourteen says:

    Im moving to a new house this friday maybe that will give some extra luck!

  4. TheLaughingSwine says:

    Hello, I have always enjoyed dungeon crawlers, but never see one that looks so fun and whimsical before, after watching the trailer and seeing a bit of the game play and the puzzles mazes i feel like i would prize this game for a long time.

    I hope you pick me so i can experience this game.

    • dFUSE stoned says:

      I hope you get lucky, win the game and enjoy it as much as we did.

      Would be great though if you mention what your PSN id is ;)

  5. TheLaughingSwine says:

    @stoned. My PSN Is My name…TheLaughingSwine. I didn’t see other posters put there PSN in the comments so i thought the name was there PSN. anyways to clear things up my PSN is TheLaughingSwine

    Thank you for reading

  6. Un1eashedGR says:

    It seems like a great game that i would definitely enjoy!!!

  7. Un1eashedGR says:

    My psn name is Un1eashedGR

  8. aznxchunky says:

    this looks like a really fun dungeon crawler. I would love the chance to play this. thank you for the chance

  9. Mike says:

    Cause I love David Bowie in the Labyrinth movie!


  10. Jeremy says:

    Game looks awesome
    psn: captainj1342

  11. dFUSE stoned says:

    Congrats shaman1234 & FiveFourteen !

    I hope you like playing the game

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