We’re hiring! Sort of.

Hi, I’m Baj and I’m the co-creator of this site. Together with a few key people we are the cogs and bolts that run this place and we’re enjoying it a lot. Take a look at our About page to kind of see who we are.

We are currently looking for 2-3 people to help us out. If you take a look around you’ll see that there are no ads here, and that’s not because of a Kickstarter campaign, but because it’s the way we want it to be. This also means we are non-profit which in turn means, as you’ve probably guessed by now, we can’t pay you. If dollars in the bank is most important to you right now, you’re probably not the one we’re looking for.

So yeah, we can’t pay you. We will however provide a platform to write on and the occasional review copy. We’re a nice bunch of people running this thing and we want you in on it. So who exactly are we looking for? We are searching for passionate fans of the PlayStation brand. We are searching for someone who likes to keep up to date with all things PlayStation and would like to write about it. We want someone who’d love to get in touch with developers to do interviews, and if you like reviewing games as well that’s just great. You don’t need to be a professional writer, but we expect you to act professional, be critical when required but also have fun with your writing. Oh, and you should be playing a lot of games.

So what do you need to do to apply?

First of all check out some information about us. This introduction post for example. It could also benefit you to look at our about page, how we do reviews and some of the interviews we’ve done.

Send us a sample of your writing. It can be a review or an article, preferably long enough to get a notion of what you’re capable of. You can send your sample to team (at) psmania (dot) net and we’ll review it and get in touch with you. If you have any questions you can direct them to me at baj (at) psmania (dot) net.

Can’t wait to hear from you!

Post over. Insert comment to continue