Release dates for Anarchy Reigns confirmed

The multiplayer action brawler Anarchy Reigns by Platinum Games now has confirmed release dates for US and Europe.

From Twitter:
PlatinumGames Inc.

Finally, gamers in the West can get their hands on #AnarchyReigns Jan 8 in North America for $29.99 and Jan 11 in Europe for £19.99/€24.99!
  1. deiaei says:

    I played the Japanese demo. It’s safe to say it’s a little weird. :)

  2. dFUSE stat1cshade says:

    Played it at eurogamer last year. Didn’t get enough time to get a full feel of the game but it will live and die based on the quality of online gameplay and the deepness of its combat. It looks and plays like and absolutely ridiculous over the top brawler/beat em up/ 3d fighter hybrid and its fun as hell just what we’ve come to expect from platinum games. I shed a tear for the loss of bayonetta from playstation 8(

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