Buy yourself into the free-to-play FPS Dust 514

Buying the The Mercenary Pack for the free-to-play Dust 514 might seem like an oxymoron, but there’s a catch! For $19.99 you are guaranteed to get into the beta and you’ll also receive a bunch of goodies.

The developer CCP games have included weapons (such as the ICD-9 Submachine Gun, HK4M Shotgun, Fused Locus Granade and the 15dn Myofibril Stimulant for knife attacks), the Dragonfly dropsuit armor, a 30-day skill booster (that will grant the user a 50% boost in skill points) and also a cool 4,000 of the in-game currency called Aurum. You will also be able to play the beta on weekends, which normal beta players can’t. The Mercenary Pack offers a $50 value and is available on the PlayStation Store.

Mercenary Pack:

 4,000 Aurum ($20 value)
 30-day Active Skill Booster
 In-game items
 “Dragonfly” Scout dropsuit x 1 (Permanent)
 “Toxin” ICD-9 Submachine Gun x 1 (Permanent)
 HK4M Shotgun x 50
 Hacked Drop Uplink x 50
 Fused Locus Grenade x 50
 1.5dn Myofibril Stimulant x 50
 “All Access” Beta Pass



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