Soul Sacrifice: Will it blend?

Get ready to sacrifice everything! Inafune’s next “reality blended experience”, Soul Sacrifice, is coming to North America and Europe.

As the title suggests, sacrifice plays a major role in this upcoming Vita game. To be able to advance, you will have to make sacrifices.

In the words of Inafune himself:

What I wanted to illustrate in this game was a “reality blended into a fantasy world.” The word “fantasy” normally points to a story that is fictitious; however, with Soul Sacrifice I wanted to illustrate a “reality” within a fantasy that wasn’t sugar-coated. It’s not about focusing on the strange, but to flip the commonly held concept of what a fantasy theme should be with the concept of “reality.”

Cruelty is a reality in our world, and we have to make sacrifices and pay costs on a daily basis. I wanted to blend this “reality” theme into a fantasy world, one filled with magic, and create a new type of gaming experience that relied on the player making sacrifices in order to obtain great power.

There is a “dark pleasure” lying in between fiction and reality that none of us knew was there. If you simply think of it as a “dark fantasy,” then your expectations will be betrayed – but in a good way. Please look forward to Soul Sacrifice. It will be a game that players around the world will surely enjoy.

How far are you willing to go?

  1. Marielle dFUSE says:

    Yes! Great news! The art for this game gives me the chills, so i guess that’s a good thing.

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