PS3 System software update v4.20 makes pigs fly

System software update v4.20 sees the light of day tomorrow, and I’m pleased to announced that SCEE actually detailed the update pretty good in their blog post.

While the mandatory strengthen-functionality-and-improve-your-overall-experience is there, you will also get a bunch of other semi-important ones plus one very, very delicious feature. Power-save specs have been revised as to comply with SCEE standards, which basically means that your system will by default turn off after 1 hour of no use. This can be adjusted in settings as always. Volume control for the sidetone feature for your wireless stereo headset is also added, and so is support for virtual surround.

The grand finale for this update though is the possibility to finally select multiple save games when you want to copy or delete them. It only took forever but now it’s here and I shall celebrate it like it’s 2007!

  1. Bård A. Johnsen dFUSE says:

    Oooh finally! I’m gonna go sort my save files right this minute!

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