More than 10 facts about Dead Space 3

Dead Space 3 will be invading your personal space in Feburary, 2013.

EA has been tight-lipped about the third chapter of the adventure horror series by Visceral Games but shared the following tidbit about the game:

We’re excited to unveil Dead Space 3 to the
world at the 
press conference next week.” 

The last numbered Dead Space was Dead Space 2 which came out in early 2011, and EA confirmed that the series would be a trilogy back in 2009. This is what we know so far about the third one:

 Co-op is confirmed but there will be no competitive multiplayer.

 Dead Space 3 will sport a new cover system.

 A new animated short by EA features a character, Earthgov Sergeant, John Carver. This is likely the protagonist Isaac Clarke’s Co-op partner.

 The Co-Op campaign will have different cut scenes showing Isaac and Carver than if you play Single Player.

 Traversal sections will have zero gravity space areas.

 Two new kinds of Necromorphs are called Feeders and Fodders and will transform differently depending on how you kill them.

 New huge Necromorph called the Nexus is a 30 story tall centipede.

 The icy planet where the main story takes place is called Tau Volantis.

 Ammo pickups will be more frequent than in previous games.

 Dead Space 3 will be less linear than previous games having to explore large environments

 There will be extra side missions which you won’t have to complete to finish the main story arc.

 You will be able to create ammo and items from enemy loot drop. You will also be able to combine different guns together.

 There will be universal ammo pickups, meaning one ammo pickup refills all of your guns.

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