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Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment PS4

Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment

Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment's story will be separated into two chapters - the first chapter is a slightly modified version of the previous game, Infinity Moment, while the second is the brand new 'Hollow Area' chapter. The Hollow Area will reportedly include a brand new story involving the notorious player-killing guild "Laughing Coffin" and of course the new playable character Philia!

The gameplay will remain very similar to that in Infinity Moment, but expanding with the 'Burst Gauge' which allows continuous attacks, so long as you have the available burst energy to pull them off; and you won't be pulling them off alone in Hollow Fragment as Bandai Namco have added the ability to create your own non-playable character to fight alongside you!

The title also takes full advantage of the PSVita by allowing player-formed raid teams (4 players max) which will be a major element of the 'Hollow Area' concept and design.
  • US August 19, 2014
  • EU August 4, 2014
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 4 icon

Developer: Bandai-Namco
Publisher: Bandai-Namco

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