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Run Like Hell! Vita

Run Like Hell!

Run Like Hell! is a fast paced arcade runner. Player somehow finds himself on a seemingly uninhabited tropical island. He was wrong! Cannibal scout's sharp eye saw him wandering on an island. He needs to run… and jump and slide to avoid obstacles and reach the opposite side of an island. He will run through the sunny beaches, tropical jungle, ancient ruins and many more beautifully hand-drawn locations. And that's the story mode only. In endless 'Arcade' mode player can beat the leaderboards on various sites with one bonus location. Online mode comes with Versus and Challenges. First is about challenging other players and climbing the world rankings. Second comes with challenges coming with daily and weekly updated leaderboards.
  • US September 16, 2014
  • EU N/A
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation Vita icon

Developer: Mass Creation
Publisher: Mass Creation

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