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Mahjong Royal Towers PS4

Mahjong Royal Towers

Have you ever dreamt of living in the Fairy Land, where you can visit your grandmother in the neighbor kingdom straddling on the dragon or snapp your fingers to make a fire? If you feel lack of magical adventures in your ordinary life, download the game Mahjong Royal Towers and enjoy the new life filled with magnificent colours and bright emotions! The royal landscapes impress by its picturesque views, the magic unicorns and griffins fearlessly wander around the brilliant green meadows and everybody young and old alike are magicians. The Fairy Land invites the true adventurers, so play the game Mahjong Royal Towers and dive into the whirl of emotions, feelings and adventures! Don't miss the opportunity to visit the palace with its blooming gardens, rich armory and gorgeous throne room. Find the company and admire the beautiful flowers, appraise the collection of cold weapon and pistols and dance in the splendid ball room. The rules of the new game Mahjong Royal Towers are simple – remove the alike tiles, find the golden tiles, earn points, get bonuses and then exchange the points of achievements to the trophies! Lots of interesting tasks await you - earn 500 of points and complete the level in 32 moves or for example pass the level during 2 minutes. Do you want to become the knight, esquire, earl or even duke? It's very simple - play the game and get the various titles of nobility! Train your memory, attention and logic - play the game Mahjong Royal Towers!
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Platform: PlayStation 4 icon

Developer: 8Floor
Publisher: 8Floor

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