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A-men Vita Vita

A-men Vita

A-men is a riddle within a retro game - honorably inspired by cult classics such as Lemmings and Lost Vikings - that will satisfy a craving for tactical play.

A-Men is played out at A-Cor, the world’s biggest producer of A-Droid soldiers, where A-Men’s heroes work. The game kicks off with a major explosion at the factory, accidentally releasing hundreds of A-droid soldiers. And so the mind games begin… with your mission to round up all the wayward enemies.

With up to 25 hours of gameplay, the game takes the player on a journey through a series of different worlds, multiple levels and themes including Forest World, Seacoast World, Winterland World, and the Factory World.

A-Men is highly tactical and completely addictive, like all great classics the game is immediately easy to play and yet hard to master; and even more difficult to master with style.

The game takes full advantage of the big OLED Screen, classic button and touch capability of the PS Vita, which is what makes for a truly enjoyable, old-school style gameplay and is especially satisfying to play using the twin analogue sticks of the Vita, the only platform with this combination of controls in a hand held unit.
  • US February 22, 2012
  • EU February 22, 2012
  • JP February 1, 2012
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Platform: PlayStation Vita icon
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Developer: Bloober Team
Publisher: Sony Interactive Entertainment

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