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Zero Time Dilemma Vita Vita

Zero Time Dilemma Vita

The third entry in the Zero Escape series. Aiming for a summer 2016 release.
  • US June 28, 2016
  • EU June 28, 2016
  • JP June 30, 2016
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Platform: PlayStation Vita icon
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Developer: Chunsoft
Publisher: Aksys Games
  • 16 Trophy bronze icon
  • 12 Trophy silver icon
  • 4 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Progression: 1 of 33
Zero Escape
Adjustment pixel Zero Escape: Collect all trophies.
Still a Rookie
Adjustment pixel Still a Rookie: Complete 1 quest.
In the Big Leagues Now
Adjustment pixel In the Big Leagues Now: Complete 6 quests.
The Go-To Guy
Adjustment pixel The Go-To Guy: Complete all quests.
A Grain of Sand
Adjustment pixel A Grain of Sand: Gain 1 Cinema File.
Mountain of Knowledge
Adjustment pixel Mountain of Knowledge: Gain all Cinema Files.
Crib Sheet
Adjustment pixel Crib Sheet: Obtain 1 Quest File.
All-Seeing Wisdom
Adjustment pixel All-Seeing Wisdom: Obtain all Quest Files.
Beginning of the End
Adjustment pixel Beginning of the End: Finish CQD-END: 1.
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Aug 26 04:25:50 2017
Fly Me to the Moon
Adjustment pixel Fly Me to the Moon: Finish C-END: 1.
What is Love? Don't Hurt Me
Adjustment pixel What is Love? Don't Hurt Me: Finish Q-END: 1.
It Came From Within
Adjustment pixel It Came From Within: Finish Q-END: 2.
A Rabbit in My Future
Adjustment pixel A Rabbit in My Future: Finish D-END: 1.
A Silver Lining
Adjustment pixel A Silver Lining: Finish D-END: 2.
The Final Decision
Adjustment pixel The Final Decision: Finish CQD-END: 2.
Gotta Go Back in Time
Adjustment pixel Gotta Go Back in Time: Go through your first bad ending.
Coming Up on 90 Minutes
Adjustment pixel Coming Up on 90 Minutes: Watch all the cinematics in a fragment.
C-Team Subject Report
Adjustment pixel C-Team Subject Report: Clear all C-Team fragments.
Q-Team Subject Report
Adjustment pixel Q-Team Subject Report: Clear all Q-Team fragments.
D-Team Subject Report
Adjustment pixel D-Team Subject Report: Clear all D-Team fragments.
Adjustment pixel SHIFTer: Clear all fragments.
Down the Hatch
Adjustment pixel Down the Hatch: Drink the real antidote.
Adjustment pixel Geronimo: Protect Akane and obtain the X-Passes.
Blessed by Lady Luck
Adjustment pixel Blessed by Lady Luck: All the dice roll 1s.
Tell Them What They Won
Adjustment pixel Tell Them What They Won: Correctly answer the Monty Hall Problem.
Wrinkle in Time
Adjustment pixel Wrinkle in Time: Shoot that person.
Virtual Reality
Adjustment pixel Virtual Reality: Live a happy virtual life.
What Are Ya, Chicken?
Adjustment pixel What Are Ya, Chicken?: Resist temptation to press the button.
Calculated Risk
Adjustment pixel Calculated Risk: Shoot a blank, everyone lives.
Adjustment pixel Unforgettable: Answer with the correct date.
Schrödinger's Cat
Adjustment pixel Schrödinger's Cat: Successfully remove the helmet.
Virtue's True Reward
Adjustment pixel Virtue's True Reward: No one presses the button, everyone lives.
Bigger on the Inside
Adjustment pixel Bigger on the Inside: Successfully activate the Force Quit Box.
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