Platinum: Collect all other trophies.
Knockout King: Execute each type of enemy that can be executed.
Arm Robbery: Harvest each type of enemy that can be harvested.
Lust for Unlife: Activate Bloodlust 10 times.
Time to Kill: Enter Ninja Time 50 times.
Can't Touch This: Counter each enemy type.
Breaking Baddies: Congeal 50 enemies with bile crystals.
Makes Me Want to Throw Up: Throw 50 zombies.
Elementary, My Dear Monday: Cause each type of elemental effect on zombies and in the environment.
Better Dying Through Chemistry: Cause 50 elemental effects.
Patient 0: Create 7 plague clouds.
Just the Tip: Complete Mission 1.
The City is Slicker: Complete Mission 2.
Ninja Turdle: Complete Mission 3.
Echo Location: Complete Mission 4.
I Hate That Guy: Complete Mission 5.
All Your Base: Complete Mission 6.
Stone Carver: Complete Mission 7.
Insert Coin: Play Arcade Mode.
Quartermaster: Complete Arcade Mode.
Izuna Drop the Mic: Complete every Mission on Hard difficulty.
Ninjacked: Complete every Mission on Nightmare difficulty.
Hell or High Slaughter: Complete every Mission on Hell difficulty.
Chain of Command: Achieve a 50-hit streak.
Earned Sat Mar 18 00:40:43 2017
Combination On Lock: Achieve a 100-hit streak.
Earned Sat Mar 18 00:41:02 2017
Well-Soiled Machine: Achieve a 200-hit streak.
Earned Sat Mar 18 00:41:21 2017
Limb Swim: Chain 5 or more executions together.
Card-Carrying Dismember: Kill 1,000 zombies.
An Embarrassment of Liches: Kill 5,000 zombies.
A Perfect 10: Take no damage and achieve Legend status in 10 arenas.
A Legend in His Own Grime: Get 25 Legend arena scores.
Valedictgorian: Get 50 Legend arena scores.
Gate Crasher: Destroy an obstacle with elemental effects.
Too Many Words: Collect all of the story collectibles.
Perky: Unlock all of Yaiba's upgrades.
Flower Power: Collect all the health shards.
Cold Shard Cash: Collect all the elemental shards.
Slight Turbulence: Yaiba has a rude awakening.
Earned Sat Mar 18 00:40:12 2017
Armed and Dangerous: Yaiba gets an armful.
Earned Sat Mar 18 00:47:04 2017
Rubble Trouble: Yaiba survives quite the tumble.
Mad Splatter: Yaiba reveals a family secret.
Snot My Problem: Yaiba gets his hands dirty.
Cremation Station: Yaiba directs traffic.
That's a Clown Question: Yaiba joins the crowd.
Swords and Swollcery: Yaiba brings up a good point.
That's Pretty Deep: Yaiba finds religion.
Reheated Leftover: Yaiba doesn't sleep well.
The Miracles of Science: Yaiba returns to the scene of the crime.
Staycation: Yaiba gets some fresh air.
The Accidental Tourist: Yaiba sets aside time for traveling.