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X-Men Origins: Wolverine PS3

X-Men Origins: Wolverine

X-Men Origins: Wolverine is an action-adventure featuring a true-to-character Wolverine gameplay experience that takes gamers through and beyond the movie's storyline. Set in a variety of vivid real-world locales, the title challenges players to hone their animal instinct as they uncover hidden dangers, hunt and destroy enemies, and take on seemingly insurmountable situations while discovering the truth about Wolverine's tragic past.
  • US May 1, 2009
  • EU May 1, 2009
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 3 icon

Developer: Raven Software
Publisher: Activision
  • 38 Trophy bronze icon
  • 10 Trophy silver icon
  • 2 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Progression: 51 of 51
Adjustment pixel Platinum: You collected all the trophies in Wolverine.
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon May 11 04:37:52 2009
Bar Fight
Adjustment pixel Bar Fight: Defeated Victor Creed (Sabretooth)
Adjustment pixel Earned Tue Apr 28 19:43:29 2009
Helicopter Ride
Adjustment pixel Helicopter Ride: Defeated David Nord (Agent Zero)
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon May 4 09:12:07 2009
Fallen Sentinel
Adjustment pixel Fallen Sentinel: Defeated the Sentinel Mark I
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon May 4 14:12:28 2009
Put up your Dukes
Adjustment pixel Put up your Dukes: Defeated Fred Dukes (The Blob)
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon May 4 14:36:14 2009
52 Pickup
Adjustment pixel 52 Pickup: Defeated Remy LeBeau (Gambit)
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon May 4 16:11:16 2009
The Dead Pool
Adjustment pixel The Dead Pool: Defeated Weapon 11 (Deadpool)
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon May 4 21:52:17 2009
Getting Started
Adjustment pixel Getting Started: Killed 100 enemies
Adjustment pixel Earned Tue Apr 28 18:46:28 2009
A Day's Work
Adjustment pixel A Day's Work: Killed 500 enemies
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun May 3 11:50:58 2009
What I Do Best
Adjustment pixel What I Do Best: Killed 2000 enemies
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun May 10 20:24:28 2009
You Can't Hide
Adjustment pixel You Can't Hide: Lunged to 250 enemies
Adjustment pixel Earned Tue Apr 28 22:54:58 2009
Adjustment pixel Lunge: Lunged to 25 enemies
Adjustment pixel Earned Tue Apr 28 18:14:29 2009
Adjustment pixel Pounce: Lunged to 100 enemies
Adjustment pixel Earned Tue Apr 28 18:57:17 2009
Piggy Back Ride
Adjustment pixel Piggy Back Ride: Lunged to a W.E.N.D.I.G.0 prototype's back
Adjustment pixel Earned Tue Apr 28 21:16:38 2009
Quick Killer
Adjustment pixel Quick Killer: Quick Killed 1 enemy
Adjustment pixel Earned Tue Apr 28 18:21:41 2009
Efficient Killer
Adjustment pixel Efficient Killer: Quick Killed 20 enemies
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun May 3 12:13:12 2009
Perfect Killer
Adjustment pixel Perfect Killer: Quick Killed 3 enemies in a row
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun May 3 11:36:50 2009
Drop Dead
Adjustment pixel Drop Dead: Killed 10 enemies by throwing them off high areas
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun May 3 11:43:15 2009
Adjustment pixel Apprentice: Raised One Combat Reflex to Master Level
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun May 10 16:29:34 2009
Adjustment pixel Samurai: Raised All Combat Reflexes to Master Level
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon May 11 04:37:51 2009
Mutant Lover
Adjustment pixel Mutant Lover: Raised one Mutagen to level 3
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon May 4 12:38:11 2009
Adjustment pixel Astonishing: Found 1/2 of all Dog Tags in the game
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon May 4 12:25:29 2009
Devil's Brigade
Adjustment pixel Devil's Brigade: Found all Dog Tags in the game
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun May 10 16:49:43 2009
Adjustment pixel Defensive: Performed 1 Counter move
Adjustment pixel Earned Tue Apr 28 19:41:01 2009
Adjustment pixel Untouchable: Performed 25 Counter moves
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun May 3 11:18:26 2009
Adjustment pixel Catch!: Killed 1 enemy with a reflected projectile
Adjustment pixel Earned Tue Apr 28 22:16:09 2009
Adjustment pixel Boomerang: Killed 25 enemies with a reflected projectile
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun May 10 16:34:23 2009
Aerial Assault
Adjustment pixel Aerial Assault: Performed 10 Air Grabs
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun May 3 12:46:42 2009
Ultimate Wolverine
Adjustment pixel Ultimate Wolverine: Fought 4 W.E.N.D.I.G.0 prototypes at the same time and defeated them at Alkali lake.
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon May 4 09:08:11 2009
Spillway Escape
Adjustment pixel Spillway Escape: Escapes from Weapon X
Adjustment pixel Earned Tue Apr 28 22:55:43 2009
Threading the Needle
Adjustment pixel Threading the Needle: Flew through the O ring in the Sentinel Boss Battle
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon May 4 14:10:48 2009
The Village
Adjustment pixel The Village: Completed the Jungle Mission
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon May 4 21:36:26 2009
Hot Potato
Adjustment pixel Hot Potato: Light 20 enemies on fire
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri May 8 02:41:27 2009
Shotgun Epic Fail
Adjustment pixel Shotgun Epic Fail: Killed 25 Ghosts with their own weapon
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon May 4 15:46:11 2009
James Howlett
Adjustment pixel James Howlett: Performed a Wolverine to Wolverine Lunge
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon May 4 22:00:09 2009
Adjustment pixel WoW!: You feel a cold as you examine the sword and skeleton. A rustle of wind in the trees faintly echoes the name Arthas
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon May 4 08:41:11 2009
Aerial Master
Adjustment pixel Aerial Master: Got 6 enemies airborne at once
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri May 8 02:48:48 2009
Fully Loaded
Adjustment pixel Fully Loaded: Maxed out all upgrades
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon May 11 04:26:34 2009
Slice n' Dice
Adjustment pixel Slice n' Dice: Killed 6 enemies with a single attack
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon May 4 21:20:45 2009
Adjustment pixel Found!: You found a mysterious hatch!
Adjustment pixel Earned Tue Apr 28 18:33:15 2009
Slaughter House
Adjustment pixel Slaughter House: Dismembered 100 enemies
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon May 4 11:46:41 2009
Adjustment pixel Blender: Killed 200 enemies with Claw Spin
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun May 10 09:23:25 2009
Walking Death
Adjustment pixel Walking Death: Beat the game on Hard Difficulty
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri May 8 21:44:53 2009
Heightened Senses
Adjustment pixel Heightened Senses: Killed 200 enemies in Feral Sense
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun May 3 12:13:26 2009
Environmentally Friendly
Adjustment pixel Environmentally Friendly: Killed 10 enemies using objects in the environment
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun May 3 11:36:37 2009
Whatever it Takes
Adjustment pixel Whatever it Takes: Killed 30 enemies using objects in the environment
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun May 3 12:15:10 2009
Adjustment pixel Bloodlust: Killed 50 enemies while in Berserker mode
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun May 3 12:31:03 2009
Weapon X
Adjustment pixel Weapon X: Killed 150 enemies while in Berserker mode
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon May 4 14:46:15 2009
The Cake
Adjustment pixel The Cake: You found the cake, yummy!
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon May 4 12:10:50 2009
Stick Around
Adjustment pixel Stick Around: Impaled Victor Creed outside the Bar
Adjustment pixel Earned Tue Apr 28 19:42:01 2009
Clean Up on all Aisles
Adjustment pixel Clean Up on all Aisles: Destroyed all objects in the grocery store fight with Fred Dukes (The Blob)
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon May 4 14:27:12 2009
215 players