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Wingspan PS5


Wingspan is a relaxing, award-winning strategy card game about birds for 1 to 5 players. Each bird you play extends a chain of powerful combinations in one of your three habitats. Your goal is to discover and attract the best birds to your network of wildlife preserves.
  • US September 27, 2024
  • EU September 27, 2024
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 5 icon
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Developer: Monster Couch
Publisher: Monster Couch
  • 35 Trophy bronze icon
  • 13 Trophy silver icon
  • 5 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Progression: 0 of 54
Majestic wingspan
Adjustment pixel Majestic wingspan: Earn all other trophies
Adjustment pixel ILL EAGLE: Succeed 10 or more total predator hunts in one game.
What the flock
Adjustment pixel What the flock: Have more than 25 cards tucked under one bird in a single game.
Beak Performance
Adjustment pixel Beak Performance: Score 120 points or more in a single game.
A real know-it-owl
Adjustment pixel A real know-it-owl: Unlock all birds from the base game in the bird atlas. (By playing each of them at least once)
Fully fledged
Adjustment pixel Fully fledged: Play 15 birds in a single game.
Attempted murder
Adjustment pixel Attempted murder: Play 3 ravens and/or crows in the same habitat.
This present caw-st a fortune
Adjustment pixel This present caw-st a fortune: Have more than 60 points worth of birds at the end of one game.
Toucan of my appreciation
Adjustment pixel Toucan of my appreciation: Give other players food tokens on at least 5 turns in one game.
Investing in the stork market
Adjustment pixel Investing in the stork market: Score points with the Fishery Manager and Wetland Scientist cards in the same game.
A bird’s best subject? Owl-jay-bra
Adjustment pixel A bird’s best subject? Owl-jay-bra: Have more than 30points worth of bonus points in one game.
Here's my number, so caw me maybe
Adjustment pixel Here's my number, so caw me maybe: Play one bird of each point value (0-9) in a game.
Clutch Performance
Adjustment pixel Clutch Performance: Win a game with at least 35 eggs in your preserve.
Better Luck Nest Time
Adjustment pixel Better Luck Nest Time: Score min.80 pts when opponent has a raven in the same habitat as a Franklin's Gull or Killdeer.
Adjustment pixel Free-for-owl: Win a 5-player match.
Owl of a sudden
Adjustment pixel Owl of a sudden: Play three or more birds in a single turn.
Wild goose chase
Adjustment pixel Wild goose chase: Score at least 16 points from the Omnivore bonus card.
Egg-streme measures
Adjustment pixel Egg-streme measures: Have all eggs slots filled at the end of the game.
Early Bird Gets the Worm
Adjustment pixel Early Bird Gets the Worm: Be the first player to play a bird that eats worms.
Money for nothin' and chicks for free
Adjustment pixel Money for nothin' and chicks for free: Lay at least 10 eggs using pink powers in a single game.
Pheasant diversion
Adjustment pixel Pheasant diversion: Win against the Automa on Hard difficulty.
Wake me up before you dodo
Adjustment pixel Wake me up before you dodo: Play 5 bonus card birds in the same game.
Fly Like an Eagle
Adjustment pixel Fly Like an Eagle: Play 5 raptors in a game.
Something winged this way comes
Adjustment pixel Something winged this way comes: Finish your first game of Wingspan.
Birds of a Feather
Adjustment pixel Birds of a Feather: Play 3 birds worth 5 or more VPs on the same habitat.
Fair-feather Friends
Adjustment pixel Fair-feather Friends: Move a bird between habitats five times in a game.
Build Two Birds with One Stone
Adjustment pixel Build Two Birds with One Stone: Play two birds in one turn.
A Bird in the Hand
Adjustment pixel A Bird in the Hand: Have one bird in your hand and two in your forest at the end of your turn.
Bird brained
Adjustment pixel Bird brained: Win a game against the AI.
Once bittern, twice shy
Adjustment pixel Once bittern, twice shy: Win a game with a score of at least 90 points with no more than 1 bird in your Wetland.
Quacking under pressure
Adjustment pixel Quacking under pressure: Finish a game having a lower point total than during the game.
The Eagle Has Landed
Adjustment pixel The Eagle Has Landed: Finish the Tutorial for the base game
Wingspan: European Expansion
Adjustment pixel Birdnado: Score over 180 points in a single game.
Doomsday Prepper
Adjustment pixel Doomsday Prepper: Cache 15 food on birds using only the predator powers.
Eggs-istential crisis
Adjustment pixel Eggs-istential crisis: End the game with 0 eggs.
European Union
Adjustment pixel European Union: Have five European birds in one habitat.
Full Tuck!
Adjustment pixel Full Tuck!: Get at least a 70 of tucked cards in your final score.
Passenger 58
Adjustment pixel Passenger 58: Play 16 birds in a single game.
Rat Bird
Adjustment pixel Rat Bird: Use three cards to pay for bird rather than rats and tuck all three.
A Real Know-it-owl: Europe
Adjustment pixel A Real Know-it-owl: Europe: Play at least once all the new birds of the Wingspan: European Expansion
Robin Crow
Adjustment pixel Robin Crow: Steal 10 food from your opponents' supplies in a single game.
There's always a bigger bird!
Adjustment pixel There's always a bigger bird!: Play a bird on top of another bird whose wingspan is larger than the previous one.
Wait, one more thing!
Adjustment pixel Wait, one more thing!: Trigger three or more end of round powers in one round.
Wingspan: Oceania Expansion
Nectar of Life
Adjustment pixel Nectar of Life: Win 1st place in all 3 habitats when scoring points for nectar spent.
Nectar Jackpot
Adjustment pixel Nectar Jackpot: End the game with EXACTLY seven nectar spent in each habitat (777).
All Birds, Aligned!
Adjustment pixel All Birds, Aligned!: Play 5 birds in one habitat with beaks pointing in the same direction.
Fly me to the Moor
Adjustment pixel Fly me to the Moor: Send the Tui or Superb Lyrebird to the grassland habitat by copying a migratory bird power.
Adjustment pixel Unflappable: Play 3 flightless birds in one game.
Global Analyst
Adjustment pixel Global Analyst: Score all 3 Analyst bonus cards (Forest, Grassland, and Wetland) in one game.
The Tuckinator
Adjustment pixel The Tuckinator: Tuck at least 50 cards under one bird.
Mellow Yellow
Adjustment pixel Mellow Yellow: Win a game with 5 or more "GAME END" powers.
By Our Powers Combined
Adjustment pixel By Our Powers Combined: Play 5 birds with different power types/colors in one habitat.
Sweet Tooth
Adjustment pixel Sweet Tooth: Play five nectar-eating birds in a single habitat.
A Real Know-it-owl: Oceania
Adjustment pixel A Real Know-it-owl: Oceania: Play at least once all the new birds of the Wingspan: Oceania Expansion.
2 players