Blown Away!: Earn every trophy in Windbound.
Speed Racer: Go over 30m/s for 3 seconds
Sharp Shooter: Kill one of each land creature using only headshots.
Green Thumb: Collect 1000 grass
Rock 'n' Roll: Collect 1000 rocks.
Infinity Stones: Find one of each colored gem in a single playthrough.
Finish The Game: Finish the game.
Hoarder: Have 5000 in unspent meta currency.
One Craft to Craft Them All: Craft one of every item in the game.
Master Chef: Craft one of each food recipe.
Boaty McBoatface: Craft one of each boat part.
Fashionista: Craft one of each article of clothing.
Pacifist: Finish the game without crafting any weapons or killing any creatures.
Vegetarian: Finish the game without eating any meat.
Carnivore: Finish the game without eating anything but meat.
Baggage Claim: Finish the game without crafting any bags or containers.
Up Close and Personal: Finish the game using only melee weapons.
Keep Your Distance: Finish the game using only ranged weapons.
Back to Basics: Finish the game only using the knife, grass sling, rocks, stick spear, stick bow and stick arrows.
Ocean Explorer: Travel 100 km by boat
Island Hopper: Visit 100 islands.
Pro Skater: Get 2 seconds of airtime with a boat
Mothership: Build a boat with 3 decks.
Overcooked: Have a boat with a drying rack, clay kiln and cooking pot all cooking at once.
Flower Power: Fill your inventory with flowers
Eagle Eye: Land a hit with a bow from 50 meters away
Drop Zone: Survive an otherwise deadly fall by using the Bastion Bow's protection.
It's Dangerous To Go Alone: Have 7 spears in your inventory
Marathon: Go 5 minutes without fully recovering your stamina.
Go for Gold: Swim 100m without dying.
No more Mr. Knife Guy: Kill one of each land creature using only the knife.