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White Knight Chronicles PS3

White Knight Chronicles

White Knight Chronicles is an epic fantasy tale about two kingdoms in midst of a longstanding war. The King of Balandor, wishing to put an end to the war, invites the duke of Faria to his castle to celebrate his daughter's coming of age. But this celebration is sabotaged by the Magi, a rogue sect seeking to steal the White Knight, an ancient weapon of war sealed beneath Balandor castle, in order to take over the world.more
  • US February 2, 2010
  • EU February 26, 2010
  • JP December 25, 2008
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Platform: PlayStation 3 icon

Developer: Level-5
Publisher: Sony Interactive Entertainment
  • 8 Trophy bronze icon
  • 7 Trophy silver icon
  • 8 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Progression: 24 of 24
Platinum Crown
Adjustment pixel Platinum Crown: A crown reserved for one who is perfect in every regard. Rumored to have once been worn by an ancient king.
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon Dec 31 21:31:23 2012
Item Dabbler
Adjustment pixel Item Dabbler: Collect 100 different items. A bronze ornament in the shape of a bag.
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Feb 6 13:07:43 2010
Item Collector
Adjustment pixel Item Collector: Collect 300 different items. A silver ornament in the shape of a bag.
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri Aug 3 14:41:01 2012
Item Maniac
Adjustment pixel Item Maniac: Collect 600 different items. A gold ornament in the shape of a bag.
Adjustment pixel Earned Tue Aug 21 20:00:01 2012
Equipment Dabbler
Adjustment pixel Equipment Dabbler: Collect 50 different types of weapons / armor. A bronze ornament in the shape of a sword.
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Feb 6 20:01:32 2010
Equipment Collector
Adjustment pixel Equipment Collector: Collect 200 different types of weapons / armor. A silver ornament in the shape of a sword.
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Aug 25 19:17:53 2012
Equipment Maniac
Adjustment pixel Equipment Maniac: Collect 500 different types of weapons / armor. A gold ornament in the shape of a sword.
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Sep 12 18:06:43 2012
Bronze Star
Adjustment pixel Bronze Star: Learn one entire set of Skills. Its bronze light shines from the soul of the wearer.
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon Aug 6 20:56:08 2012
Gold Star
Adjustment pixel Gold Star: Learn eight entire sets of Skills. Its gold light shines with the power of every technique.
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Aug 9 00:33:53 2012
Bronze Horns
Adjustment pixel Bronze Horns: Slay 100 monsters. A trophy in the shape of a monster's horn.
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri Feb 5 17:09:32 2010
Silver Horns
Adjustment pixel Silver Horns: Slay 3000 monsters. A trophy in the shape of a devil's horn.
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Aug 4 01:39:52 2012
Gold Horns
Adjustment pixel Gold Horns: Slay 10,000 monsters. A trophy in the shape of a dragon god's horn.
Adjustment pixel Earned Tue Aug 7 23:37:58 2012
Mercenary's Badge
Adjustment pixel Mercenary's Badge: Complete five quests with an S rank. A badge presented by your clients.
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Feb 11 02:51:09 2010
Professional's Badge
Adjustment pixel Professional's Badge: Complete 20 quests with an S rank. A badge presented by your clients.
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Aug 4 01:41:01 2012
Perfectionist's Badge
Adjustment pixel Perfectionist's Badge: Complete 50 quests with an S rank. A badge presented by the Adventurer's Guild.
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Aug 15 12:12:39 2012
Adjustment pixel Toadstone: Bind 50 different items. A stone fashioned by the Don's underlings. ...It's rather moist.
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun Aug 12 02:49:01 2012
Anura's Ruby
Adjustment pixel Anura's Ruby: Bind 200 different items. A gem stone rumored to have been made by Anura herself. ...You don't want to know where this has been.
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri Sep 7 20:07:16 2012
Phibianacci's Diamond
Adjustment pixel Phibianacci's Diamond: Bind 450 different items. A gem stone fashioned by Don Phibianacci himself. ...But why is it sticky?
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon Dec 31 21:31:22 2012
Bronze Medal
Adjustment pixel Bronze Medal: Raise Guild Rank to 4. A small prize from the Guild.
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Feb 11 03:39:46 2010
Silver Medal
Adjustment pixel Silver Medal: Raise Guild Rank to 8. A respectful award from the Guild.
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Aug 4 22:22:42 2012
Gold Medal
Adjustment pixel Gold Medal: Raise Guild Rank to 12. A high honor from the Guild.
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Aug 29 23:22:36 2012
Bronze Coin Purse
Adjustment pixel Bronze Coin Purse: Earn 100,000 guilder. A coin purse filled with hope...
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri Aug 3 01:34:43 2012
Silver Coin Purse
Adjustment pixel Silver Coin Purse: Earn 1,000,000 guilder. A coin purse filled with hopes and dreams.
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Aug 8 01:46:38 2012
Gold Coin Purse
Adjustment pixel Gold Coin Purse: Earn 10,000,000 guilder. A coin purse filled with...a ton of money!
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri Sep 7 19:03:16 2012
187 players